Monday, May 31, 2010

Education is A Vital Key to Development

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IT is vital that the African governments continue to treat education as a priority sector because it is key to development highlights the Zambian Government.

Zambia is a young and developing nation and the majority of its population are youths, in need of education. But what is critical is to ensure that the youths receive the correct type of education that will provide them with skills and knowledge to effectively contribute to national development.

At the moment, there appears to be gaps in the type of education that is offered and that is why the Government should quickly move to review the curriculum. It must be a curriculum that will suit the needs of individuals and also fit in the overall national development plans.

Without an educated populace, a nation cannot achieve development in areas of human endeavor and it is befitting that the Government has in the recent years been allocating huge sums of money to the sector.

Read full article from the Times of Zambia HERE.

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What is CIYDA
Contemporary Indigenous Youth Development Africa (CIYDA) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2008 and is based in Harare, Zimbabwe. CIYDA is working to develop and empower the youths of Zimbabwe for the benefits of the nation and Africa as a continent through the use of new media, information technology and networking amongst other things. Through these drivers, CIYDA aims to facilitate an information hub and service provision in the areas of Business Start-up, Social & Cultural Integration, Socio-economic Mentoring and Volunteering. Through current globalization trends and dispersion of Zimbabwean youths, CIYDA currently has a network connection of approximately 500 Zimbabwean youths in many countries amongst them, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and Canada.

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