Monday, August 24, 2009

The Importance of Building Foundations for Youths

August 24, 2009 - Leaders around the world have been urged to show interest in youth pressure and ways to reduce corruption among the entire society. The call was made by a non governmental organisation (NGO) African Foundation for Peace and Love Initiative (AFPLI)), which is based in the United States and Nigeria.

Speaking at the recent International Youth Day (IYD) celebration in Lagos, titled 'The role of youth in building a peaceful nation', the President of AFPLI, Dr. Titus Oyeyemi, tasked the leaders on the need to build a solid foundation and erect cornerstones for the emancipation of the youth in the new millennium.

The foundation and cornerstones include qualitative, unhindered, uninterrupted education opportunities, full employment, health care system, social security, political stability, provision and maintenance of good roads system, power supply, and communication.

Read full article HERE.

CIYDA Says: With Zimbabwe going through a serious transition the our aspirations for the prosperous future and the success of Zimbabwean youths, together with that of the rest of Africa are strongly aligned with those of Dr. Titus Oyeyemi. Once we turn that corner as a country there is no looking back that is why CIYDA has taken it upon itself to actively advocate for a greater role and consideration of youths in the development of Zimbabwe. With a strong foundation of close relationships between youths, government and corporate sector free from unhindered, uninterrupted education opportunities, full employment, health care system, social security, political stability the future is undoubtedly bright for the Zimbabwean youths.

We should therefore seek to elicit positives from this situation we face as a country and take it upon ourselves to remedy some of the problems that have seen youths marginalised over time. In echoing Dr. Titus Oyeyemi's words, such endevours can only fail to be achieved when those in authority neglect, deny, refuse or fail to build on these new foundations, while instead pursuing selfish agendas, corrupt ambitions and risking shame and blame at the same time.

In its effort to play its part CIYDA is indefatigably working to see to it that it's information hub will meet the needs of every Zimbabwean youth in all possible areas needy of development such as business development, social and cultural integration, mentorship and volunteering, no matter where they are. CIYDA's information hub seeks to guarantee a constant communication platform between government, private sector and the youths.

Disclamer: - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein from other websites, CIYDA cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Unless otherwise indicated, opinions transferred from other websites and expressed herein are those of the author of the ORIGINAL article and do not necessarily represent the views of CIYDA, it's Executive Director and the CIYDA Team.

What is CIYDA
Contemporary Indigenous Youth Development Africa (CIYDA) is an non-profit organisation founded in 2008 and is based in Harare, Zimbabwe. CIYDA is working to develop and empower the youths of Zimbabwe for the benefits of the nation and Africa as a continent through the use of new media, information technology and networking amongst other things. Through these drivers, CIYDA aims to facilitate an information hub and service provision in the areas of Business Start-up, Social & Cultural Integration, Socio-economic Mentoring and Volunteering. CIYDA currently has a network connection of over 500 Zimbabwean youths in many countries amongst them, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and Canada.

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