Monday, August 10, 2009

Youth Empowerment: A Sustainable Life-Long Security

August 10, 2009 - "Youth participation and empowerment are a sustainable life-long security for any nation including The Gambia," the Gambian vice president said. According to her, the youths are the building blocks for The Gambia's development process.

This comes hardly as a surprise as most countries across the world move to position their youths for future success by equipping them with the relevant tools for development. The vice president further reiterated that the sky is the limit for any young person who is willing to embrace positive attitudinal change to become a productive asset of his or her own country.

Undoubtedly the sky is the limit for an young person wishing to pursue their dreams and become a positive asset for the nation. Unfortunately for years that phrase has been churned out to youths in educational institutions as well as in the community. But the phrase can only mean so much when embraced but with little support from government and private sector working together to put in place structures that allows one to aspire to reach for the stars.

It's well and true to say the sky is the limit, but honestly, the lack of adequate support and investment towards youth development is the real challenge and limit.

At CIYDA we seek to eliminate that challenge or invisible barrier for one to aspire to reach for the sky by trying to flatten the playing field, bring young people in, harnessing developmental resources as well as working hand in hand with governmental agencies and the private sector.

Youth participation and empowerment are a sustainable life-long security that Zimbabwe along with any other African country shouldn't take for granted.

Disclamer: - Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein from other websites, CIYDA cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Unless otherwise indicated, opinions transferred from other websites and expressed herein are those of the author of the ORIGINAL article and do not necessarily represent the views of CIYDA, it's Executive Director and the CIYDA Team.

What is CIYDA
Contemporary Indigenous Youth Development Africa (CIYDA) is an non-profit organisation founded in 2008 and is based in Harare, Zimbabwe. CIYDA is working to develop and empower the youths of Zimbabwe for the benefits of the nation and Africa as a continent through the use of new media, information technology and networking amongst other things. Through these drivers, CIYDA aims to facilitate an information hub and service provision in the areas of Business Start-up, Social & Cultural Integration, Socio-economic Mentoring and Volunteering. CIYDA currently has a network connection of over 500 Zimbabwean youths in many countries amongst them, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia and Canada.

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